Deadlines are stressful and scary. People hate working under deadlines.
I love deadlines. I often tell clients “Give me a deadline, please.”
A deadline means that there is a set schedule. It means that a project is moving forward and getting done.
The designer is many times at the end of the food chain. We have to produce the website, send out the ad, or get the brochure to the printer. It has to get done correctly and on time. Sure, it can be stressful, but the deadline is your friend. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel.
My advise to new designers is focus on speed. Never miss a deadline. If it’s late it’s a failure…even if it looks great.
If you are working an a project that can just get done “whenever”, it will just languish. Give all projects a timeline and deadline.
Let’s face it, we are in a deadline-driven industry. Embrace deadlines. Give me a deadline, please.