
Brand Guidelines

Leeco Steel is one of North America’s leading suppliers of plate steel. Their brand needs to present strength, but needed a modern update. The brand refresh we provided developed a consistent look and feel for the company.

The block-oriented layout refers back to the plate steel while to updated accent colors provide a modern pop of interest to their materials.

Event Brochures

These customized event brochures were sent to individual clients.  The high-end events of fishing and golf trips we reflected by the brochures. The graphical “cut out” images were a fun way to provide interest and a dynamic layout for the brochures.

Leeco T-Shirts

Thses fun and cool t-shirts were distributed to wearhouse staff and helped build brand awareness and loyalty. Obviously, the “heavy metal” refers to the plate steel that Leeco Supplies.

Print Advertising

Many ads were created in trade publications to promote Leeco Steel.  We list the locations, show the staff, and maintain the brand guidelines.

Event Banners

These event banners we designed to be used together, but also work on their own.  The portraits of staff we used to focus on customer services and personal touch of Leeco.  As suppliers, it’s not just about the steel, but the also the people that supply it.