
One the worst things you can call an attorney is an ambulance chaser.  That’s the sleazy lawyer that shows up at the hospital to get a patient to file lawsuits.  This is a portrait of a selfish, opportunist with little class and respect for their profession.  Bar associations have rules against this type of behavior and you will soon not be able to practice law if you practice ambulance chasing.  No lawyer wants to be called an ambulance chaser.

Here is the problem…

Attorneys are so concerned about their reputation that are opposed to any marketing.  They look at the most basic marketing as sleazy.  I’ve talked to firms that are against having a logo instead of just their name in the Times fint in black on a business card.  Branding makes you look professional…not desperate.

Do you were a nice suit or a dirty T-shirt?  Is it desperate to look professional?  NO.

Of course, good marketing is all about tone.  Good marketing will elevate your reputation and not tarnish it.  Sometimes, it’s OK to brag a little.