Graphic design firm Chicago. Marketing firm Chicago. Why repeat “keywords” online? It’s called search engine optimization or SEO for short. Chicago graphic design firms and chicago marketing firms are keyed into these terms as the will drive business to your site. As you can see, I’m repeated the terms design firm chicago, graphic design firm chicago, and marketing firm chicago several times in this blog.
Other variations I might consider are graphic design firms chicago, graphic design firm chicago, marketing chicago, marketing firm chicago, marketing firms chicago, web design chicago, web designer chicago and web design firm chicago.
Google and Yahoo send out their robots to index the internet. When they come across a phrase like graphic design chicago, they log that as a term important to the site it is linked to. When someone does a search for graphic design chicago, my site may come up sooner due to my “inbound” links.
I got a pretty good bump from the last post, so I thought I’d try it again. Maybe I’m gaming the system a bit here, but marketing is about getting the word out. That’s hard to do on page 10 of results.
OK, this is totally over the top…But I think this communicates a simple activity to build traffic and something to think about when you are writing your blogs. One final one… chicago graphic design!