

How does Brad Miller Design price design services?

$95 per hour is our standard rate for design fees. This keeps the invoicing simple and straight-forward. If a client requests a flat rate per project, we can certainly accommodate their needs.

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Can I get an estimate?

Yes, we provide estimates. Once we give a quote, we monitor our fees to make sure we can stay within the budget. It’s important to note that it’s the client’s responsibility to keep a job within scope as well. A job can grow in scale and complexity and everyone needs to make sure there are no surprises when the job is billed.

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How are outside expenses billed?

Outside costs such as printing, stock photography, and messengers are sometimes part of a job and are marked up 15% higher than the original cost.

Outside costs are estimated as accurately as possible, but at times the rough estimates of outside costs may change due to design considerations/client requests.

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Is a deposit required?

On large jobs or when dealing with new clients, we require a deposit of 50%.  For clients with an on-going relationship with Brad Miller Design, a deposit is not typically required.

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What is the Brad Miller Design process?

Although no two jobs are exactly the same, we generally expect a process like this:

Information Gathering. A client meeting is held to define the goals and scope of the project.

Initial Comps. After we brainstorm, sketch, and create our initial concepts, we present these to the client.

Revised Designs. With the client’s input, we hone the design and revise with actual content.

Final Approval. Before a job is printed or posted to the web, the client must approve to ensure the job is to their liking.

Production. Once approved, we send out the job and supervise that it is produced correctly.

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How are comps presented?

Comps are presented online or in person. We print out color comps and mount on boards for a formal presentation meeting. Many quick turn-around jobs are presented online by email or on our website.

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How are timelines and deadlines handled?

Meeting deadlines is of major importance to Brad Miller Design. We estimate timelines just as we do fees. It’s also the client’s responsibility to keep on the timeline in order to meet the deadlines. We always do our best and keep everyone up to date on design schedules.

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Who owns the source files?

Brad Miller Design retains our source files unless stated differently by contract. If hired to design a brochure, we deliver the brochure…It’s that straight forward.

We keep our clients happy and pride ourselves on being easy and pleasant to work with. Clients can always request the files and we will work out a mutually agreed upon fee.

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What if a client requires a service outside of Brad Miller Design’s capabilities?

We aim to be a single source for our clients. Graphic design is a constantly changing field, so we are offering new services all the time. However, if there is a service the we feel is outside our expertise, we may form a relationship with an outside vendor to take care of our clients’ needs. By forming these relationships, we can oversee vendors to maintain quality and offer our clients a one-stop experience with Brad Miller Design.

Along with our design staff, we have formed strategic partnerships with copywriters, photographers, media planners, printers, and many other professionals to assist with our clients’ marketing. We are a single source for all of your marketing needs.

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