
12 point is not the standard type size for anything that is actually printed or designed.

12 point is the default size in digital word processing.  Yes, when you create your document in Word and print it on your ink jet printer feel free to use your standard 12 point.


10 Point is the actual standard

Nearly every book, news­pa­per, and mag­a­zine is set smaller than 12 point.  They use something like 10 point.

Different fonts are different physical sizes, so it’s not as cut and dried as that.

Business cards typically use 8 or 7 point font sizes.


Why do designers love small type?

But our clients are old people with bad eyes…

This same client have been reading books, magazines, and newspapers their entire life at 10 point.  Your brochure should not look like you created it in-house in Word and sent it to Kinko’s.