A basic definition of a call to action is simple. What do you want a customer to do when they encounter a piece of your marketing. Whether it’s a website, an ad, or a brochure, you should ask yourself what’s the one thing you want someone to do when they get it.
Here are some examples:
- Buy your product
- Call your phone
- Fill out a contact form
- Subscribe to your newsletter
You should keep in mind that you should focus on one, main call-to-action. If you want a website visitor to call you, make your phone number large, prominent, and on every page. Sure, you want visitors to learn more about you in your “about us” page, but your main goal it to generate business. Don’t try to have five call to actions in a marketing piece. Your marketing will be confusing and probably pretty loud.
I know this is a basic term, but we throw around terms all of the time without thinking about their meaning. My call to action with this post is just to think about your marketing goals in a clear, direct way.